Monday, July 2, 2012

D.C. in D.C. week 5

Hello all!

Surprisingly enough, we are half way through our summer internships, which I feel is a gift and a curse. The gift is truly that some of us get to go home, see our loved ones and return back to our normal routines. On the other side, this is an opportunity that I personally feel I don't want to end on August 10th, which is our last day at our internships. I would like to stay in DC and work/finish school here but then again I miss my family and they all miss me as well. Who knows, I put everything in God's Hands and let Him work out the details of my future. If you spend too much time worrying what's going to happen next you miss a lot of time of what's happening right now, trust me I know, I do it myself. So like Bonnie and I say, give yourself a pep talk each morning and take it one day at a time. It's quite funny but it does work!

Moving right along, I am glad that this weekend, I stayed in the house all day and played Modern Warfare 3 on my Xbox 360 with all my close friends (fellow IT Techies)! I had a really good time and we cracked jokes all weekend long! I missed being able to hop on my game everyday after my classes but now I don't have time to do that like I used to. Working full time is quite demanding, especially when you haven't done it in 3 years and when I was, I would have several anxiety attacks to the point where I had no choice but to quit. No excuses though, no worries like Ben says, I am going to ride these last couple of weeks out like a "gangsta" which I have derived from the cool guy, Mike Murray. There are plenty of people rooting me on, my fellow Interns, Joyce Bender, Mary Brougher and plenty others. I play football, you don't get too much tougher than that!

So this is what it boils down to: I have to prove to myself that I can be able to work full time if neccessary, I have to be patient and see how this summer will effect my progress towards working for the Federal Government, and I need to finish school. Now depending on the job requirements, in my case, Information Security Specialists don't always need Bachelor/Master degrees. Often, you only need to be certified in programming languages like Java, C++, compTIA Security + (don't worry if I lost you after Java). I have to come to terms of which way I want to go academically as well as careerwise. Oh, decisions decisions! But these are definitely NOT decisions I have to make today.

Be Blessed as always, I hope we all finish up this second 5 weeks just as strong as the first 5 weeks!

Until next time

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