Senator McCain
Liz, Dwight, Me, Rhonda, Dana, Yoshiko, and Allie
As Senator DeMint (R-SC), who was obviously against the convention was leaving, Senator Kerry said, "Oh you're leaving...I was about to welcome you to the supporters group." I couldn't believe how hilarious and real he was in that room. I always thought he was tons more serious. Who knew?!?
There were so many supporters for the convention within the Senate that I am optimistic it will be floored next week (I really, really hope so). I can't emphasize how important this convention is for our disabled citizens abroad--military personnel, students, tourists, workers, govt. officials, ex-pats, etc. in order to have accessibility wherever they go. This document is centered on the equal rights that every disabled person deserves in their communities--quite important. Although this convention is nonbinding and countries are not obliged to follow, it does begin talks on a very important issue that affects millions of lives (everyone reaches a point of disability in their lives) and allows the U.S. more say in this matter at the table. Countries who have ratified it are required to send a follow-up report every two years. It sounds like a pretty good start to me. To read more about it, Click Here.
Mike Lee is a Republican. See Sen Mike Lee [R-UT],; see also United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Wikipedia,