Sunday, June 3, 2012

First Week

Robert Stewart                                                                                                            6/3/12

Ahh my first week of the internship is winding down.  Its been quite a transition, but I am feeling good.
My experience began in earnest on Sunday, when I moved into the dorms.  After spending the day with my fiancee, I traveled to GW, where I got my key and went to my dorm.  And for a person whose has just graduated college, its one nice dorm to help with the transition to the adult world!  The common area is massive, which an incredible view.  My room also feels big, with a comfortable bed to sleep on.  Over the next couple days I met my roommates and unpacked and organized my things.  Soon I was ready to go.
The last few days have involved very interesting discussions.  We have talked about how to survive in the adult world and of the civil rights issues facing the disabled community.  I feel these talks have really enlightened me on a whole range of issues.  Our group has been described as the next generation of activists.  After those talks, I truly am feeling energized about being one!
I have also met some really cool people. I usually am a little awkward and sky, but I feel very comfortable and have enjoyed immensely the conversations and social experiences I have had these last few days!  I cant wait to see what happens the rest of the summer and beyond.   
The one complaint I have is just how tired I feel at the end of the day!  I have found that when I return to the dorms, I just suddenly feel extremely tired.   After finishing my dinner, showing, and doing some homework, I don’t feel a nice tired, but I just…I could fall asleep on the floor.  I am hopeful that if I do more exercise around the house, I will rally for a few hours. 

In short, I have had a great beginning to the AAPD experience.  I wonder what will happen next.

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