Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Weekends

Interning is exciting. Yet, after meeting-filled weeks in dress-to-impress business clothes, rest assured, the weekends are no less amazing.

Two weekends ago, I got up early on a Saturday morning, pulled on a pair of shorts and a less-than impressive t-shirt, and caught the metro to meet up with a friend from college. We took an hour-and-a-half drive to her favorite spot on the Breton Bay. The towns we passed became smaller and smaller. My personal favorite being Loveville, the best place to have wedding invitations postmarked in the country. Her grandparents built a house years ago on some land in Maryland. Their children had children, and the houses kept expanding to form a truly special place the family visits in the summer.

I am undeniably a city girl, but a weekend outside of the city was refreshing. Their family is big on boating and fishing, which are neat experiences for a city girl. They also love crabs. Katie was sent to collect the crabs from the trap. (Technically, I was assigned to help, but I unashamedly admit I preferred cowering on the dock, regretting my shoe choice, desiring more of a barrier between live crabs and my toes.) She was an absolute pro at transferring crabs from trap to bucket, and, thankfully, the only uncomfortable part I played was keeping the bucket of live crabs on my lap as we golf carted our way back to the kitchen. Lesson learned: crabs are a ton less scary after being cooked.

Weekends in the city are certainly fun-filled, too. This weekend, a roommate and I took a slight, okay huge, detour to Georgetown before getting groceries. The impromptu Ben and Jerry’s stop was more than delightful. And today, the room had a crepe date together, which was equally delicious and enjoyable.

There’s just so much to do, both in and out of the city, even when we’re not our at our placements. Even still, my favorite part of the weekends? Definitely ditching suits for some good ol’ jeans and t-shirts. Some things never change.

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