Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Entering the Workplace!

Hello to all!

This week at the American Bar Association, I began work as an intern in the office of Commission on Mental and Physical Disability Law. It is there that I will work on a couple of projects dealing with issues related to accessibility. The first project was to compile the accommodations and Character/Fitness information that I had collected from all 54 American jurisdictions and place them into a central database so that law school graduates with disabilities will have a place to find out what they need to collect and be prepared to answer for their particular state bar admissions process. Many of the states have enumerated requirements and differing deadlines for accommodations so it can be tough and time-constricting for those who need that equal access to the bar exam. That project took the better part of my first week to complete. I am proud to report that it is very nearly finished, pending feedback, after only 1 week which is great news because I could possibly move on to a bigger project.

This experience, I am hoping will give me an insight into the field of disability law and policy. I have always thought I would go into criminal law because I find it fascinating beyond belief but disability law is a very close second at the moment, often at times becoming the first option. Call me a flip-flopper, I am fine with that because I have yet to enter law school and concentrate on a certain type of law so I am keeping an open mind. I am glad to have the opportunity to engage myself into disability law so it gives me either affirmation of what I want to do regarding criminal law or a new passion to pursue. Often those who go into a specific field, trip into something else that is not even related to the specific field and fall in love with it so that is possible in my case. So far, my inkling is that this experience will forever change my mindset and set ablaze a new path for me in my academic and professional future.

What to say about D.C? There is so much to do around here; I never cease to be bored. I am falling in love with this city more and more every day. Stay tuned!

~Colton Jannusch

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