Monday, July 19, 2010


Two things worthy of mentioning occurred this week. The first involved having the opportunity to meet the University of Wisconsin’s Chancellor, Biddy Martin. The chancellor was in D.C. last week and visited my Congressman’s office to talk business. When you attend a school that has upwards of 42,000 students, meeting the head of the University is pretty big deal. My boss was nice enough to let me talk to the Chancellor and later, I was able to take a photograph with her.

Secondly, I played softball with my congressional office last Thursday night. Every Thursday night during the summer the congressional offices get together and play softball against each other. It was nice getting out of the office and getting to know the other staffers on a more personal note outside of the office setting. Because of the size of the team, I did not get any playing time in the field but I was given the chance to bat and I got a base hit.

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