Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Crazy DC Life!

Last week was rather eventful! I spent the week changing schedules, rescheduling meetings, and preparing for my supervisors to be out of the office. Did I forget to mention that it was finals week at my university? Monday I had to hunt down my new cell phone that was delivered by UPS but no one knew where it was. I eventually tracked it down and was able to have a working cell phone on Tuesday. This was important come Wednesday because there was a shooting at the Holocaust Museum which is right across the street from USDA, where I work. The offices across the hall from me overlook the Holocaust Museum, so everything got pretty crazy. They had us go to the deputy director’s office, which has windows facing inside the USDA building. While we were there I called my parents and AAPD to let them know that I was ok. Then, security came and told us we had to evacuate that area. Everyone was confused and trying to stay safe and follow directions. My supervisor told me that I could go home and escorted me out of the building, across the street (which was blocked off from cars), and to the subway. I got out of that area on the next train I could catch and went to the other end of the city. On Thursday and Friday, my main goal was to finish up my quarter at my university, which ended Friday. I almost completed this task when I was working on my last final exam for my Accounting class. Two hours into the exam, my document went crazy and turned into computer language. Today I finished my exam! I am finished with spring quarter! Hopefully this week will go more smoothly.

--Daman Wandke

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