Friday, June 17, 2011

New concepts learned: CPRD AND GDRL: week #2

This week has been a very informative week in terms of Disability. For the first time I read the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). I learnt the process of approbation of the Convention from its conception to the date if has been opened for signing in March 2007 . Today 149 countries have signed the CRPD and 101 have ratified . The United States of America signed on July 30, 2009

Ratification and Signature :

Many people are confused with these 2 terms. What does it mean if a country sign or ratifies the CRPD? The country's signature means that it becomes “signatory" which means that the country agrees with the main idea of the convention and that it agrees to not take any action to violate the main idea of the convention. When a country ratifies the CRPD it means that it becomes a “States Party” which means that a country is legally bound to comply with its obligation under the convention.

This week was also my first week interning with the United States International Council on Disability. My job description is to help to build the Global Disability Rights Library (GDRL)which will serve people with disabilities in developing countries with lack of adequate Internet access.

The Global Disability Rights Library will also serve as a bridge between global information sources and disability rights advocates, policymakers, and disabled people’s organizations. Trough this Library, Millions of people around the world will access hundreds of thousands of educational and organizational resources on disability rights, whether or not they have access to the Internet.

The resources we are trying to put together are in different languages and me I am required to find different resources in Swahili and French.

For future blogs I will give you some details about this Libraly.

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